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July 22, 2024

Mosquitoes Fear Me Homeowners Want Me

In 2024 there seems to be fewer and fewer topics that everyone can agree upon. It takes one visit to social media to see that users argue about everything, from subjective opinions to harsh facts, nothing is off limits for disagreement. However, in this vast sea of controversy and division, there is one opinion in which common ground is always found across generations and nationalities-everyone hates mosquitoes. AdobeStock_111872748-1

Vampirish Vermin

Mosquitos are factually the most dangerous creatures on this planet. These insects take more human lives per year than any other species, racking up 700,000 yearly deaths. Every other deadly creature pales in comparison to the mosquito death count. On average, sharks kill 5 humans a year, and bears only kill one. Even other potentially deadly insects such as hornets, wasps, and bees have a combined death count of 800 times less than the number of lives mosquitoes take, racking up only 62 yearly deaths. So what makes these tiny bugs so deadly? It is as simple as their feeding process. Female mosquitoes feed their offspring human blood. They extract this human blood straight from our bodies by inserting their needle-like tongues into our skin. In the best and most common scenario this causes irritation, inflammation and discomfort of the skin- a set of side effects which is scientifically known as papular urticaria and colloquially referred to as a common ‘mosquito bite’. However, the worst case scenario from this insect feeding process is one of the leading causes of the spread of deadly diseases around the world. Oftentimes, when a mosquito takes blood from a human, the residue of previous human blood is still on its tongue. This causes deadly blood-borne diseases such as malaria, Zika virus and West Nile to spread as rapidly anywhere these vampire bugs are present. To make matters worse, mosquitos populate every continent in the world besides Antarctica. The only factors required for them to effectively reproduce are mammalian blood and water, so it’s sufficient to say that they will always be our undesirable neighbors. The topics are world wide hot spots for mosquitoes and the diseases they spread, with most mosquito deaths occurring in Africa and South America. thousands of mosquitoes can be see flying in a dense cloud outside

Creative Solutions

Being the cause of a record breaking number of deaths per year makes mosquitoes the topic of a billion dollar scientific question-how can these insects be effectively repelled and eliminated? There are many creative solutions that scientists have come up with in an effort to decrease the spread of deadly disease. Possibly the most extreme and fascinating solution of these remedies has been genetic editing. Biotechnology company Oxitec has genetically engineered male mosquitoes to be unable to produce offspring that survive into adulthood. When these gene-edited males are introduced into mosquito colonies, they curb their reproduction. This technology is very recent, and is currently being tested in the Florida Keys as a promising way to eliminate mosquitoes that spread viruses. Since futuristic technology such as genetic editing has yet to take off in a large-scale manner, it’s important to take personal precautions to avoid the risks mosquitoes pose. Luckily, there are many over-the-counter solutions to avoid mosquitoes- or make mosquitoes avoid you. Chemicals such as picaridin and pyrethroid are the most effective substances at repelling mosquitoes. They do this by making an invisible vapor barrier around your skin which dispels the insects. A hand holding a small model of what a human DNA strand looks like

Natural Remedies

For those who prefer natural remedies, the scent of plants such as rosemary, peppermint, and lavender act as natural deterrents. However, the secret to the most holistic and noninvasive natural remedy can be built right into your home in the form of lighting choices. Multiple studies show that mosquitoes can be attracted or deterred by different types of lighting. This is due to the disorienting effect that lights can have on the insects. Mosquitoes come out at night and use the moon as a guide to navigate the darkness, so when artificial light is used they become disoriented and confused. Different colors of artificial light cause this disorienting effect more than others. Warm colors, such as yellow, red, and orange light tend to be the best deterrent, since they are in a light spectrum which mosquitoes are unable to see. In contrast, cold colors, such as blue, bright white, and green are mistaken by these nocturnal bugs for moonlight, causing them to fly towards them. Colored lighting is the only solution to the dangers which mosquitoes present that does not require extra steps. No remembering bug spray, no wearing extra coverage clothing in the heat, and certainly no staying inside all summer. Prevent the spread of disease by keeping these deadly pests away for good this summer while making one of the most advisable homeowner investments possible- exterior lighting. A large house featuring warm white exterior lighting Ready to make the next step into a fully functional outdoor space? It’s almost too easy to schedule a free consultation with our lighting experts, and let us take it from there! Elizabeth Griffee, 2024, Brite Nites Inc.

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