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June 19, 2015

Purchasing Commercial Grade Lighting

Buying Christmas lights that are affordable and reliable can be tricky. There are so many options to choose from, but how do you know that what you’re buying is a substantial product? Here are a few ways to determine if the lights you own or plan on purchasing are commercial grade:

  • The wire is more than 20 AWG (American wire gauge)
  • The bulbs are non-removable from the light strand.
  • The lights are LED
  • The strands are shorter meaning they are less likely to fail or burn out. Typically 100 bulbs or less is a good option.
  • There are no extra seams on the C7 or C9 bulbs

Many people are hesitant to invest in LEDs because of the high initial cost, but LED lights essentially pay for themselves because you won’t need to replace strands or bulbs as frequently as you do with incandescent lights. If you have any questions about the benefits of LED lighting solutions, feel free to call and ask! Our office is ready to take your call and answer your questions.

Brite Nites product designers are constantly working to improve and create the most effective lighting solutions. Be sure to follow our blog, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to keep up with our continually growing products. We have a few projects coming up that you wont want to miss!

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